Reset Your Sleep and Circadian Rhythm
In our fast-paced modern world that is full of artificial lighting, limited daylight exposure and blue light from devices, maintaining healthy sleep can be challenging. It's easy to lose touch with the natural rhythms that govern our bodies. Consider how we've evolved as a species, it was not that long ago that as the sun went down, humans would cook by the light of fire and read in candlelight. This shift from daylight to low amber light signaled the brain to produce melatonin and to get ready for sleep. Today, it's common in our homes that we have bright overhead lights, blue lights from televisions and phone screens (often displaying stimulating or stress-inducing content) that disrupt our evening wind down routine and impact our readiness for sleep.
When we look at the speed of our lives and the stress levels most are dealing with, it is important to remember that although some factors are out of our control, we do have the power to support our bodies to realign with our circadian rhythm to achieve more restful, restorative sleep.